Un tratamiento láser para cada fase del glaucoma

Como líder mundial en láseres de oftalmología, Lumibird Medical ofrece un enfoque integral para el tratamiento láser del glaucoma, con diversas opciones de tratamiento, en cada fase del modelo terapéutico de la enfermedad.

Gracias a esto, los oftalmólogos hoy más que nunca pueden ofrecer a sus pacientes opciones de tratamiento láser más seguros y eficaces para el glaucoma avanzado.

Un tratamiento láser para cada fase del glaucoma
Como líder mundial en láseres de oftalmología, Lumibird Medical ofrece un enfoque integral para el tratamiento láser del glaucoma, con diversas opciones de tratamiento en cada fase del modelo terapéutico de la enfermedad.   Hoy, los oftalmólogos pueden ofrecer a sus pacientes opciones de tratamiento láser más seguras y eficaces que nunca para el glaucoma avanzado.

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Acceda a una variedad de contenidos clínicos educativos como artículos, pautas de tratamientos y videos, sobre mácula y tratamientos periféricos.

Overcoming barriers to SLT as first line therapy for POAG & OH – Prof. Gus GAZZARD

In this video, Prof. Gus GAZZARD , explains how to overcome barriers to SLT as first line therapy for POAG & OH. This video is from our symposium held at ESCRS 2023.

SLT: Positive implications from the LiGHT study

Glaucoma is a lifelong disease that requires continual monitoring and management. For many patients, glaucoma can be controlled medically—at least for a time—but the treatment is far from perfect. Complications, side effects, and compliance are common issues for those who rely on eye drops to control IOP. Other barriers to medical treatment include nonresponse to a medication, tachyphylaxis, and financial burden.

SLT as Frontline Therapy

Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) has come a long way in the last few years. The practice is gaining adherents as a first-line treatment for open-angle glaucoma for multiple reasons. And to give SLT a boost and provide an uber-coherent overview of the reasons in favor of SLT, Dr. Paul Singh spoke on its behalf at ESCRS 2022 in Milan.

Tratamiento del glaucoma: procedimento thermocyclo

Profesor. Dr. Juan R Sampaolesi Jefe Centro de Glaucoma Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The role of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty as a primary and secondary treatment

Glaucoma is the most common optic neuropathy. The only clinically proven treatment is to reduce IOP by using medical, laser, and surgical therapies. Treatment is typically selected depending on the level of IOP, stage of the disease, pace of progression, and current and past treatment history. Glaucoma management with drops can be problematic, mainly because they can be difficult for patients to instill properly and because of the related side effects.

SLT: Positive implications from the LiGHT study

Glaucoma is a lifelong disease that requires continual monitoring and management. For many patients, glaucoma can be controlled medically—at least for a time—but the treatment is far from perfect. Complications, side effects, and compliance are common issues for those who rely on eye drops to control IOP. Other barriers to medical treatment include nonresponse to a medication, tachyphylaxis, and financial burden.

SLT as Frontline Therapy

Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) has come a long way in the last few years. The practice is gaining adherents as a first-line treatment for open-angle glaucoma for multiple reasons. And to give SLT a boost and provide an uber-coherent overview of the reasons in favor of SLT, Dr. Paul Singh spoke on its behalf at ESCRS 2022 in Milan.

Quantel Medical y Ellex, dos marcas de Lumibird Medical, unidas con un objetivo: desarrollar tecnologías para el diagnóstico y tratamiento del ojo seco y las principales causas de ceguera en el mundo: glaucoma, cataratas, DMAE y retinopatía diabética.


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